
6 thoughts on “Artifacts”

  1. I just had a heart attack and died when I read what the “4 by 4” was. Ugh. I loved me some In-N-Out from my days in Portland Oregon, but that is just TOO much beef and so not enough cheese.

  2. Thanks for the INO lingo…had no idea I could get crispier fries! What say we start a petition to get In-N-Out to open locations in Denver?

  3. Kath, I would kill for an In-N-Out or a Fat Burger to come to Denver. I haven’t been to a Del Taco yet but I heard they are the mexican equvilent of In-N-Out.

    Howard, could i suggest a 4×8? More cheasin’ for the pleasin’.

  4. hubs, there actually is a fatburger in denver. more specifically in centennial near park meadows mall.

    del taco is the shit, and will give you the shits. it’s a love-hate relationship for me.

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