Last night was my first ultimate game of the season. We had a game last Monday but I wussed out cause it was snowing. We won. Our team name is Chachi.
I like to try to score at least one point a game. It doesn’t always happen but it’s a good goal and I achieved it last night. Our team was better than the opponent, but I think we all had a lot of fun.
One of the kind of quirky things about ultimate is that after the game is over, and everyone has told everyone else “good game” and slapped their hand, you say a little cheer or rhyme for the other team about how well they played or something funny that happened during the game. Usually, you try to work their team name into the rhyme. For example, last night our cheer was:
Pork chop
Pork chop
Greasy, greasy, greasy
We said this rhyme
Because it was
Easy easy easy
Afterwards a bunch of team members went to Hemingway’s Key West Grill for dinner and trivia night. Although we performed well athletically, we got stomped on intellectually and came in last place.
this all sounds like a total blast. im so jealous.
ultimate is a lot of fun. used to play in college. we went to a big tournament one time in louisiana and the chants were hilarious- i would walk around wanting to hear what people would come up with.