Author name: hubs

Bright Lights, Big Pity

I’m back and back to normal. NYC was turbo-incredible. I’m not really sure how to describe the city in a single blog entry so I won’t even attempt it. So much happened that I’m not really interested in trying to rehash it all for you. On top of that, I left my camera at my brothers the other night so you’ll have to wait a while for pictures as well.

I’ve given NYC a hard time in the past. And I still think it deserves a hard time. There isn’t enough glass, brick, and steel in the entire city to contain it’s ego. But I’d be damned if a New York city doesn’t change you a little bit. Of all the things offered to me in NYC, I think a different perspective was the one I enjoyed the most. I have a new lust for NYC and a greater appreciation for all that home has to offer as well. I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to get there and it’s good to be back.


Two In The Hand, One In The Bush

We have a large wreath on the wall of our front porch. Over the last couple of summers birds have built nests in the wreath. About three weeks ago I noticed three or four little blue speckled eggs in the nest. Last week they hatched.

Recently hatched chics in the wreath on our porch.


  • A list of celebrities and other prominent and famous individuals who have experienced being homeless for a brief or extended period at one time in their lives, either as children or adults. Stats:

      Nobel Prize Winners: 1
      Nobel Prize Nominees: 2 (includes above)
      Oscar Winners: 5
      Oscar Nominees: 9 (includes above)
      Emmy Award Winners: 7
      Emmy Award Nominees: 10 (includes above)
      Grammy Award Winners: 9
      Grammy Award Nominees: 13 (includes above)
      Best-Selling Authors: 6
      Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients (U.S.’s highest civilian honor): 1
      Knighthoods: 1
  • Loretta Lux takes photographs of children that are almost as charming as they are creepy. Her site is worth a look.
  • A Denver drinking club for all of you ready to find new bars and drinking partners.
  • I’m going to be gone but somebody should go to this. Redwood wines of California is putting on this cool event pairing exotic, foraged, food with wine and an informative walk in Commons Park. It’s free and there is still plenty of room for reservations.
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NYC And You

Have you been to NYC? I’m spending a week in Manhatten in ealy May. I’ve never been before and was hoping you could suggest “must see” sites, restaurants, shops, etc. What can’t I miss? What should I skip?


  • Neat, but pricey, furniture made of old (and new) bike parts.
    (tags: )
  • “The way I looked at it, if I took $39 and went to buy groceries, I wouldn’t be able to get all that much. On the flipside, if I took $39 to a casino and lost it all, I wouldn’t be all that upset. With that said, I decided I was going to try something…”
  • “I wrote this game for my two-year-old daughter. The first time I turned it on, it took about a minute or two for her to understand what was going on. She spent the next hour-and-a-half laughing, squealing, talking, and babbling. She still wanted more and asked for the game on an almost daily basis for the next month.”


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