Author name: hubs

The 25 Least Visited Countries In The World

Here is a moderately surprising list of the 25 least visited countries in the world. North Korea doesn’t even make the list (because of a mostly Chinese tourist base). Why some countries are less visited than others varies, but location, travel related logistics, costs, visa availability, degree of war and governments or lack thereof all matter. Here is the top ten with their approximate annual number of tourist visitors:

10. Turkmenistan: 8,697
9. Guinea-Bissau: 7,500
8. Libya: 6,250
7. Kiribati: 6,000
6. Equatorial Guinea: 5,700
5. South Sudan: 5,500
4. Marshall Islands: 4,600
3. Tuvalu: 1,200
2. Somalia: 400 visitor
1. Nauru: 160 visitors

That would make on heck of a bucket list. The author Gunnar Garfors has visited 198 countries and shares some of his experiences in traveling to these far-flung and rarely visited countries.

The First Ever BMX Quad Backflip Has Been Landed

Quad Flip

After months of trial and error, yesterday Jed Mildon landed the world’s first quadruple BMX backflip. The jump ended a heated, year-long, race between Mildon and James Foster to see who could land the trick first.

Outside a couple of K.O.s in the airbag during initial attempts, Jed Mildon pulled the trick off without injury, which is an especially monumental feat considering James Foster broke ten ribs and suffered a separated shoulder while training for his attempt. You can watch the official Nitro Circus video here.

via: Laughing Squid

Bang That Head That Doesn’t Bhangra

This was released released way back in 2007 on Wax Audio‘s Mashopolos. However, I heard it for the first time yesterday and it got my toes tapping and head banging so I wanted to post it here. It’s a seamless mashup of Metallica’s “The Four Horsemen” and Panjabi MC’s “Mundian To Bach Ke” and a ton of fun to listen to.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=78b3e0&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

At Least I Have Chicken

Leeroy Jenkins changed the gaming world for the better. During a game of World Of Warcraft Ben Schulz was away from his computer reheating some KFC so he didn’t listen any of his group’s attack plans. His haphazard charge turned out to be a landmark event and it ended up spawning what is arguably the most viral video in online gaming history. It was ten years ago today, on May 11, 2005, the video of this event was uploaded to the site

The rest is history. At Least I Have Chicken.

We Have To Go To A Park And Record The Sound Of Birds Rising

This demo recording of Stevie Nicks playing Rhiannon (also known as the Birds Rising Demo) is spectacular. The sweet voice mixed with the powerful piano playing is a joy. Open you ears to the music, your heart to the feels, and you’ll understand the magic that is Stevie.

Mad Men Reading List

The New York Public Library (NYPL) has created a Mad Men Reading List, a collection of 25 titles read by the main characters during the course of the series. These titles are a great way to gain insight into the social and cultural eras in which the series takes place.





  • Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
    (Episode 108 “The Hobo Code”)






Billy Parrott has also written a more comprehensive blogpost that lists books seen on shelves and lying around on tables during the show.

Parent-Friendly Kids Music (For Free!)

This weekend I downloaded this new, and free, children’s album For Kids By Kids: Songs From Iowa Rock City from the Iowa City Public Library. The entire family enjoyed listening to it.

For Kids and By Kids mixes moods and musical styles—from roots music, for which Iowa City is known, to punk, polka, folk, hip-hop, and synth-pop. It not only crosses musical genres, but also generations … Dozens of youths appear on For Kids and By Kids, and we hope that the many more who hear this album will be inspired to pick up an instrument, form their own bands, or do something else creative.

All of the songs are original, spanning all types of genres and moods. The lyrics are not condescending, gratingly repetitive, or infantile. I’m sure we’ll be breaking this one out for listens all summer.

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