
Audrey Kawasaki Interview

Audrey Kawasaki doesn’t do too many interviews so this recent interview with her, conducted by Lou O’ Bedlam, was a welcome find.

I owe a whole lot to the internet!! Without it, my work would have definitely not be seen by so many people. It’s such a wonderful thing! All these blogs and forums, all these exchanges and comment and opinions. I started having an art blog 4 years ago, and I think that helped people feel more connected and updated to what I’m doing. Blogs are great.

Josh’s Art Opening

Josh's Scuplture
Last week I went to my friend Josh’s art opening. He was showing lots of new stuff that followed a similar vein as his last showing, but using some new mediums including willow and steal, and taking a more architectural bent. I recommend you go check it out if you have a chance. The showing is currently held at the Icelantic Gallery. If you haven’t yet heard of Icelantic, they’re a local Denver company making some really cool, short production, skis. All their models have some incredible graphics (by Travis Parr), and from what I understand, a pretty sweet ride.

Touching Strangers

Photographer Richard Renaldi released a cool new project today called “Touching Strangers”. The collection consists of street portraits of, you guessed it, strangers touching. In an interview with Jörg Colberg, Richard explains:

It is rather awkward to approach someone and ask them if they are interested in touching another stranger for a photograph. I think maybe my nervous, slightly pleading voice kicks in, combined with a little charm. I generally give them my spiel about being a photographer working on a project, and I try to have my book, Figure and Ground, to show to them. It was never easy – though most everyone who agreed to participate was a good sport. Most people eventually grasped the concept, and often it seemed to be a pleasant distraction from their day.

Images from the project can be found after the jump. Also worth browsing through are Richards other photographic collections my favorite being “Bus Travelers”, “Fresno”, “Madison Avenue”, and “Great Plains“.

Footloose, But Not Fancyfree

Doveman (aka Harlem-based musician Thomas Bartlett who plays with David Byrne, Elysian Fields and The National among others) has created a shoegazer/emo version of the entire Footloose Soundtrack and his reasoning for doing so is pretty intense. Go check it out. My favorite is “Holding Out For A Hero”

UPDATE: Doveman’s Footloose album can now be purchased from itunes.

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