
Can You Taste The Waste?

Ween blew my mind (again). They started the show with the one song I wanted to hear and ended with one I never expected to hear. The whole thing was great, though the acoustic set was a little slow for me until Joppa and Buenos Tardes. Over all it was a great show. Anyway, here is video of the “Awesome Sound” encore everybody seemed to love.

[flashvideo file=/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/awesomesound.flv height=350 width=500 /]

Here is the setlist for the night:
What deaner talkin bout
Piss up a rope
Learnin 2 love
Take me away
Don’t get 2 close
Woman and man
Bare hands
Yer party (only repaeat)
Stay 4 ever
Stroker ace
Dr rock
Did U see me
U were the fool
Back 2 basom
Buenos tardes
going gets tuff
i’m in the mood (wacky)
big jilm
awesome sound
squeal on the pusher into destruction of cluade’s drums

Here is a before picture:
Calm Before The Storm I

Here is a during picture:
Ween In Full Force

Here is an after picture:
Aftermath of the Ween Show
After the storm photo courtesy of JW.

And lastly, Ween had a secret free show in Fort Collins on Tuesday. You can download an mp3 of it if you’d like.

Denver’s Pecha Kucha Night Volume 2

Pecha Kucha is a mix of local creatives sharing their work in rapid fire format. Denver’s second run at this fun event will be held will be tonight, Monday, July 14th at Buntport Theater (717 Lipan Street), 8 PM. There is a $5 suggested donation and beer will be on hand.
Denver Pecha Kucha
Pecha Kucha is a mix of local creatives sharing their work in rapid fire format. Denver’s second run at this fun event will be held will be tonight, Monday, July 14th at Buntport Theater (717 Lipan Street), 8 PM. There is a $5 suggested donation and beer will be on hand.The Pecha Kucha Denver website has a good rundown of the presenters.

I suggest you check it out. The previous event was a lot of fun.

The Art Of Skateboarding

Artist/designer/sculptor Andrew Lewicki has created some high-end skateboard art. His pieces “Gold—Plated Skate Rail” and “Walnut Skate Ramp” raise the bar on these everyday skating staples. The press release mentions:

“…the city of Los Angeles has explored civic “solutions” to such practices [rebellious skateboarding behavior] by installing legal skate parks and authorized graffiti walls, a tactic Lewicki exposes as both antithetical and irksome to the rebellious spirit inherent in these exploits.”

Lewicki presents an interesting, if not an almost Utopian, response with his pieces.

William Lamson

Brooklyn based photographer and video artist William Lamson has some downright genius work over at his website. Much of his work involves itself with bb guns, balloons, gigantic paper airplanes, and more often than not, himself. His work is full of humor and surprises and was a joy to spend some time viewing.

My favorites include Work #7 from his Intervention project. It was a blast to watch and reminded me of games found at the local fair mixed with colorado blizzards and “The Christmas Story”. Watch it you’ll see what I mean. If you don’t have the time to sort through all his work (I recommend you find the time) I also recommend watching Bubbles (I need to learn how to do that), Video #8 from his Actions project and Emerge is simply beautiful.


PKN vol 1 audience / stage right, originally uploaded by INV/ALT.

Last Friday, me and about 150 other folks went to Denver’s first Pecha Kucha Night. Pronounced “P chalk-a-cha”, and Japanese for “Chit Chat”. Pecha Kucha’s are held in cities from Amsterdam and Auckland to Venice and Vienna. The event was organized by locally by Jaime Kopke, Angela Schwab (both of whom have great blogs that are in my feed-reader, are they in yours?), and Brian Colonna.

The rules of the night, as explained on the official Pecha Kucha website, are as such:

Each presenter is allowed 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds each – giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps presentations concise, the interest level up, and gives more people the chance to show.

It’s a a way for architects, designers, artists, writers, and plain-old, ordinary, people to share their work in a concise and rapid fire format. It’s like show and tell for adults, with beer.

It was such a packed house lots of people had to sit on pillows on the floor. And the despite the overload of hipsters in the audience, the presenters were excellent – some of my favorites being Steve Silber’s “Greeting”, Claire Martin read a series of obituaries about interesting but unsung people, Kent Corbell displayed a knew audio frequency that is supposed to fuck with your chakras and make you all emotional (it kinda worked), Andrew Novick talked about his love for pi, and Scot Lefavor was a no-show, maybe next time.

Speaking of next times, the next Pecha Kucha night will be Monday, July 14th. If you want to share your creative project at the next event shoot an email over to

Everybody’s A Winner

Coudal Partners Field Tested Books Poster

There was a package on the table when I came home yesterday. I was pleased to find out it was a limited edition (575) print created by Dan and Mike of Aesthetic Apparatus. The print celebrates the latest release of the Coudal Partners’ Field Tested Books which is a project in which people are asked to review books that made a particular impact on them relative to where they were read. A fun idea. Fortunately enough, I recieved my poster free-o-charge by winning the 543612 contest but you can get yours here.

Mystery Book

About seven or eight years ago I was at a party when a girl I had a heavy crush on handed me a small coffee table book. After stating that the book somehow reminded her of me, I flipped through it. I really liked it and was flattered that it was me she thought of when she first viewed it.

Ever since then I have been in pursuit of this book.

Unfortunately, I was never able to remember it’s title (or illustrator). It was a children’s picture book with no words. I’ve searched through entire children’s sections of several bookstores looking to both give the book as a gift and to buy for my own. I haven’t had any luck until today, when I found these scanned-in pages while surfing the internet. Does anybody have any clue who the author/illustrator is? Maybe the name of the book? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I copied the pages for you to view below.

UPDATE: Kasey and Giyjun found it! The book is titled Zoom and is Illustrated by Istvan Banyai (if you’re into design/illustration you should check out his website)

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