


  • Your home for supersized food from around the world. Some incredible pictures and some gigantic food. I’m hungry.
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  • Shred dude! This guy is for real. This is not a joke. He is actually pretty well known in the shredder world. The second half is funnier than the first so keep watching, if you can.
  • Today, April 8th is the annivesary of the day Kurt Cobain cimmited suicide. In memorandum I present to you April Winchell’s collection of 15 “Smells Like Teen Spirit” covers (and a bunch of other goodies).
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  • The best source on the internet for your wierd and cool Japanese art, stationary, toys, clothing, and knick knacks.
  • A hilarious take on “The Family Circus” cartoons. Beware, It’s very vulgar and minorly offensive, but definately worth a laugh. (NSFW)
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  • LED Throwies are an inexpensive way to add color to any ferromagnetic surface in your neighborhood. A Throwie consists of a lithium battery, a 10mm diffused LED and a rare-earth magnet taped together. Throw it up high and in quantity to impress your friends.
  • Whos is playing in Denver this week? What do they sound like? A great way to discover new bands and then see them live. A concert lovers wet dream.
  • Pre-designed, silk screened, blank CD’s and DVD for all your music and movie needs. A fun way to add a little extra ooomph to your next mix tape.



  • Another restaurant I want to visit – Shopsin’s has moved to 54 Carmine Street in NYC, but they’ve still got that big old menu. If you dare, feast your eyes on this menu tour de force, all 11 pages of it.
  • There are those who believe it to be divinely inspired, but The Brick Testament has been created entirely by The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith (not a real Reverand) who builds stories from the Bible in which all the characters and settings out of LEGO bricks.
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  • Since I am of Clan McCleod, I already have my own colors. But this cool site gives you the chance to design your own Tartan. Once you have made your desing you can download the image or actually have them make something from your design.
  • documents experiences eating strange food, as this dude travels around the world. In the end, what is weird to one, is normal to another. He want to find out why. The site includes articles, travel stories, photos, pictures, etc.
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  • Making the bed is so much more pleasurable when your sheets have been folded properly – and not only do they take up a lot less space, they look great in your linen cupboard too! Follow this easy step-by-step guide on how to fold a fitted sheet.
  • The Zealots of Za are on the quest to sample as many different pizzas in the world as possible and try to separate the good from the bad. For now they may seem limited to the Denver, Colorado area, but when they travel, tasting new pizza is high on the priority list.

Brain Candy

I don’t really have much to write about today. After returning my tuxedo last night I got some take-out food and went home to veg on the couch. The remainder of my evening consisted of the most enjoyable brain-candy: For Love Or Money, the new Maxim, and Blind Date.

And because it’s bad enough to watch and read all that lame stuff above (let alone follow those links), and because I really have nothing else to tell you, here are some stimulating and fun links that you should actually visit:

A visual representation of our language
The NASA astronomy picture of the day
A favorite engineering toy: SodaConstructor

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