
I Better Get Back To Work

By my age:

    Based on a nightmarish dream, Robert Louis Stevenson wrote The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
    Russian ambassador Aleksandr Borosovich Kurakin introduced the practice of serving meals in courses.
    Frederic William Herschel, an English astronomer, invented the contact lens.
    American sprinter Evelyn Ashford won her final Olympic gold medal at age 35, old for a sprinter.
    Amedeo Avogadro developed Avogadro’s hypothesis.
    Law School professor Anita Hill charged that Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas made indecent remarks to her.
    Margie Profet proposed a new theory of menstruation which claims that menstruation protects against infection and won a MacArthur Foundation “genius” grant.
    Astronaut Buzz Aldrin achieved his life’s ambition at age 35 and wondered, what do you do after that?
    Mozart stopped composing and started, well, you know.

Mystery Book

About seven or eight years ago I was at a party when a girl I had a heavy crush on handed me a small coffee table book. After stating that the book somehow reminded her of me, I flipped through it. I really liked it and was flattered that it was me she thought of when she first viewed it.

Ever since then I have been in pursuit of this book.

Unfortunately, I was never able to remember it’s title (or illustrator). It was a children’s picture book with no words. I’ve searched through entire children’s sections of several bookstores looking to both give the book as a gift and to buy for my own. I haven’t had any luck until today, when I found these scanned-in pages while surfing the internet. Does anybody have any clue who the author/illustrator is? Maybe the name of the book? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I copied the pages for you to view below.

UPDATE: Kasey and Giyjun found it! The book is titled Zoom and is Illustrated by Istvan Banyai (if you’re into design/illustration you should check out his website)

Denver Is Drunk. Really, Really Drunk

Denver makes the nasty list again, and I’m not sure I should be proud or ashamed (mostly ashamed). That is to say – I love that Denver knows how to party, I hate that we can’t do it responsibly.

Men’s Health magazine graded each state on the deadliness of it’s drunkards and Denver ranked first. The listing took into account death rates due to alcoholic liver disease, how many citizens regularly down five or more drinks in a sitting (CDC), drunk-driving arrests (FBI), the percentage of fatal accidents involving intoxicated motorists (U.S. Department of Transportation). and the MADD report card of state efforts to cut down on excessive drinking. This is how the report card shook out:
100 Denver, CO – F
99 Anchorage, AK – F
98 Colorado Springs, CO – F
97 Omaha, NE – F
96 Fargo, ND – F
95 San Antonio, TX – F
94 Austin, TX – F
93 Fresno, CA – F
92 Lubbock, TX – F
91 Milwaukee, WI – F

Go Colorado Rockies

The Colorado Rockies are entering into the world series for the first time ever tonight. Exciting stuff. I’ll be watching the game and cheering on the Rockies. Will you?

I too am embarrassed and a bit disgusted with how the ticket sales for the Rockies world series home games went (as many of you are). Right now there is no real way to let Rockies management know how disappointed its fans are with how the whole thing has been handled. Here is my idea: every Rockies fan boycott next seasons first nationally televised home game. Simply don’t attend. This will hurt both the Rockies managements ego and their pocketbooks. We’ll have to wait for the 2008 schedule to come out before we find out if this game will be opening day or not (if so, plans might need to be changed) but regardless, if enough people do this, it’ll let Rockies management know how upset us true Rockies fans are. What do you think? Another website to check out is Crashtober if you are interested in trying to do something about it.

In the mean time, go out and route for your favorite team!

Below is a photo I took I took while watching the Rockies win the National League Championship. Also below is a quick video I took of the scene (unfortunately my camera ran out of batteries and I only got about three seconds of video).

The Night The Rockies Won The National League Championship

A quick video clip of the celebration

Nickelback, You Lazy, Talentless Bunch Of Wankers

When you simultaneously play the two Nickelback songs “How You Remind Me” and “Someday”, which were released two years apart, you will soon discover that they are 90% the same song.

Nickelback, you lazy, talentless bunch of wankers. What, did you think nobody would notice that you’re recycling your hideous dirge and selling it all over again to your deluded fan base? You bastards, you’re taking advantage of those tone deaf MTV brainwashed twats who are too thick to notice you’re releasing songs that are EXACTLY THE SAME as the ones you recorded earlier.

NPR has a great take on this as well.
Here is a link to an .mp3 of the combined songs by Nickelback.
As an added bonus, this is a link to two Linkin Park songs played over each other.

But all this song similarity stuff is really nothing new. If I have any advice for a budding guitar player, which I don’t, it would be to learn how to play “Louie Louie”. The chord progression known to musicians as I-IV-V (The Eternal Medley) has been used in so many hit songs it should be considered abuse. A popular use of this progression, I-IV-/V-IV-/ad nauseum, is known as the ‘Louie Louie’ and is used in songs such as “Hang On Sloopy”, “Twist and Shout”, “Wild Thing”, and a ton of other songs with very little variation in rhythm.

So I guess, in the end, it’s not all that strange that Nickelback has songs that sound similar. What makes it nerve wracking is that Nickelback has actually plagiarized themselves (if that is even possible). What makes it disgusting, is that Nickelback fans don’t really seem to care and they continue buy this piece of crap music.

(Naked) Lawn Ornaments

My girlfriend hardly ever reads this blog. She knows about it. But I think the stuff I post here has little or no interest to her. I believe she read a lot of the old stuff when we first started dating, but none of it was as juicy as she had hoped it would be. In fact, I don’t think I even have any old girlfriend pictures on here. I mean, that’s what you’re looking for when you sneak through your significant others stuff, isnt it? Anyway, I think she only stops by once a month just to make sure I didn’t post those nakie pictures of us.

When we had the big storm last December she stomped out in the middle of the night, during the heavy snowfall and took pictures of our lawn ornaments – the ladybug, the funky flamingo, and the glowing orb. When she came back inside she handed me the camera and said, “Check it out, it’s for your blog”. I figured since she just came back inside from a blizzard, the pictures weren’t the nudies I was hoping for. They are, however, the first girlfriend contributed entry, so for that you should be thankful, because if she reads this, I’m guessing it’ll probably be the last. Enjoy.

Ladybug Lawn Ornament Flamingo Lawn Ornament Glowing Ball Lawn Ornament

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