



I get to check another goal off the old life list.

Having missed out on a couple opportunities in the past I finally had my chance to see Slayer at Magness arena. It was the loudest show I have ever seen (by far). Forget amps that go to 11, Slayer’s go all the way to 666. It was a full-on sonic assault on my ears and I loved it. They started off with two songs and then pummeled there way through the entire Seasons In The Abyss album. The encore whipped the crowd into a frenzy with “South Of Heaven”, “Raining Blood,” “Aggressive Perfector” and show closer, 1986’s brutal and harrowing “Angel of Death”. I can’t wait to see them again.

Jack Horkheimer Knew How (Not) To Party

This fascinating article from the now defunct Miami Herold Tropic provides great insight to the actual man behind the persona of “Jack” Horkheimer.

He mixes luxury and austerity. Horkheimer dabbles in bonds, has an American Express Gold Card and belongs to the Playboy Club. He wears a $10 electric watch and a ring set with a second-century BC bronze coin from the reign of Ptolemy VI of Egypt. He has a heavy metal plaque embossed with the word “HUSTLER” on his key ring. He drinks only champagne, which he buys 10 cases at a time, in vintages varying from cheap, oversweet Andre to dry, costly Moët & Chandon. He makes champagne cocktails by pouring the bubbly over a lump of sugar laced with Angostura bitters, and laps them up delicately, cat-like, one after another. He enjoys food and dines out at least four nights a week. He owns a large, old, hand-built stereo system whose amplifier is all vacuum tubes, not a single transistor. He admires Shostakovich symphonies and Peggy Lee.

The article also discusses a raging “doomsday party” that Jack Horkheimer threw on the Crandon Park beach in Miami, Florida back in 1982. An estimated 3,000 people showed up for the bash. Unfortunately the party dissolved into a mass of chaos with four young men stabbed, dozens beaten up and robbed, and around 30 arrested. You can read more at the Archived Miami Herold article about the incident here.

Wet T-Shirt Contest Water Boy

Here we are on what would be the 90th anniversary of Charles Bukowski’s birthday so I guess I’ll post one of my favorite obscure Bukowski clips. The clip is from the 1977 classic “Supervan“. In the film a lecherous Bukowski has an uncredited cameo appearance as a wet t-shirt contest judge. Bukowski is seen splashing water and groping unsuspecting (or possibly suspecting) young starlets while wearing a t-shirt that reads “Wet T-Shirt Contest Water Boy”. I have no idea how the writers/producers/directors ever roped him into this one but I’m glad they did.

Bukowski also has cameo appearances in The Killers and Barfly (which he wrote). If you’re interested in purchasing “SUpervan”, it was released just this March on DVD. And if you’re a huge fan of vans, the actual Supervan is currently for sale.

Needs More Cowbell

Bruce Dickinson: I’ll be honest.. fellas, it was sounding great. But.. I could’ve used a little more cowbell. So.. let’s take it again.. and, Gene?
Gene Frenkle: Yeah?
Bruce Dickinson: Really explore the studio space this time.
Gene Frenkle: You got it, Bruce.

Full Double Rainbow Songs

I’m sure you have seen Hungrybear9562’s incredibly emotional and hilarious “Mountain Giant Double Rainbow” video by this point. If you haven’t, go watch it now! Trust me it’s worth the three and a half minutes of your life that it will cost.

What you might not know, is that there are a handful of musical remixes already created. Check them out below:

The Gregory Brothers of Auto-Tune the News fame have turned the new famous video into one of their clever overly autotuned songs. The ditty finishes with a vocal rendition from the band.
Double Rainbow Song

“Somewhere Over The Double Rainbow” is the best remix to date in my opinion. Created by James Urbaniak, it’s a mashup with Kermit the frog’s “Rainbow Connection”. Brilliant!
Somewhere Over The Double Rainbow

“Auto Tune The Rainbow” is a pretty horrible remix (and the only one actually trying to make a buck off this) slapped together by Mason VanValin.
Auto Tune The Rainbow

Twin Cities-based producer Gigamesh has just released a remix called “It’s So Intense.” Gigamesh pushes past the meme and turns it into a surprisingly listenable little dance jam.
It’s So Intense

The game designers over at Rockethands created Double Rainbow (All The Way). I like the 70’s rock vibe it has. It’s a lot more organic than any of the others too. Which is nice.
Double Rainbow (All The Way)

Lastly we have the youtube doubler of “Giant Double Rainbow” mashed up with porn music. It actually kinda works in a gross sort of way.

If you find Yosemitebear Mountain Giant (Paul Vasquez) intriguing, you might want to check out the short history and interview with him over at Urlesque.

True Love Will Find You In The End

Mates Of State has a new video out for their cover of Daniel Johnston’s “True Love Will Find You In The End”. The single can be found on their new album “Crushes – The Covers Mix Tape”. The video was made in one day by recoding a live performance of the song in their basement and the projecting the that recording onto various surfaces around New York City. Those projections were then filmed by a ABC news crew. That footage was then edited and dubbed to the music. The result is the great video seen below. It’s HD, so click it full screen style.

[flashvideo file=/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/truelovewillfindyou.flv height=390 width=500 /]

You can currently stream the entire new album at their website, or just spend the measly five bucks and own the whole thing. After all of these years, the duo still maintain their high velocity for throat pounding energetic pop.

A video of the making of the video can be found after the jump.

Foursquare Specials In Colorado

If you don’t know what Foursquare is, go read this post, sign-up at Foursquare and start checking into places.

Recently, certain venues on Foursquare started offering free stuff (drinks, appetizers, etc.) to their mayors. For example, just last week Parallel 17 started offering a free drink to it’s mayor. So, if you are Kat O. (whose twitter stream seems to consist almost entirely of foursquare entries), the current mayor of Parrallel 17, go help yourself to a free glass of wine.

There are a bunch other places in Colorado that currently offer “incentives” to foursquare participants. For instance CeFiore offers one free organic tea to the mayor, Tee & Cakes offers a free cupcake for the mayor and Modmarket gives away a free flatbread pizza for every 10th checkin on Foursquare. And Foursquare is signing up partnerships with other venues all the time.

To help take advantage of the freebies, I wrote a script that keeps track of all the new partnerships that Foursquare signs up in the Colorado area. Below you will find a list of the most recent places you can get specials from Foursquare. This list is automatically updated as soon as foursquare announces them, so check back often. Or you can subscribe to my feed (using the button below) to recieve immediate notification of all the specials in Denver, Boulder and Fort Collins as they are announced.

items, 0, $maxitems);

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RSS Feed To Foursquare Specials In Colorado

Leadville Ski Joring Championships

This weekend was the 2010 Annual Leadville Ski Joring Competition. The Leadville ski joring event has been going on in since 1949 and is considered the premier event of its kind in the country.

The sport it is a timed race with skiers being pulled by horses on a track with large jumps and flat landings. In between the jumps the skier must try to spear small circular rings while swinging from one side of the track to the other – at speeds in excess of 40 mile per hour. Missed rings add 2 seconds each to your time. With average times of less than twenty seconds a single missed ring, with skiers of this caliber, will cost you the event. The winner will have the most rings and fastest time. Ski joring is no simple feat – particularly the Leadville race.

Last year, for the 60th annual race, I had the good fortune of making the draw and was able to compete. I wiped out on the first jump. My apologies to the rider and the man who wagered $250 on me. Video evidence below.

[flashvideo file=/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Skijoring.flv height=390 width=500 /]

My wipe out was nothing compared to Chris Anthony’s (former Alaskan Extreme Skiing Champion, veteran of 9 World Extreme Skiing Championships and 20 Warren Miller films) fall in the 2007 races. He didn’t walk away from his. Video evidence below.

[flashvideo file=/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/wipeout.flv height=390 width=500 /]

To get a real idea of the sense of speed, tradition, and community this ski joring event brings to Leadville watch this documentary by Foresight Multimedia. To get a sense of what the skier is seeing watch this first person video on youtube. To get a sense of my attitude before the race, read my interview in the Colorado Springs Gazette.

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