
2011: My Year In Movies

I didn’t track my movie watching again during 2011. The fact is I didn’t really even watch that many movies over the last year (Much of my TV time was spent watching all of the Mad Men episodes). However, here are the five great movies I have seen over the past 365 days:

1. Herb & Dorothy (10/10)
2. Wrist Cutters: A Love Story (9/10)
3. Exit Through the Gift Shop (8/10)
4. Blue Valentine (8/10)
5. Young Adult (8/10)

I have done a few posts over the past year that have to do with movies. Go explore them under the movies tag.

The Most Expensive Shot Of The Silent Film Era

Trainwreck from "The General"
Gif Credit: Maudit

This gif is a clip from the single most expensive scene shot in silent film history. The film is Buster Keaton’s “The General” (1926) and had a total budget of $400,000 supplied by Metro.

It was filmed in a single take with a real train and a ‘dummy’ engineer (notice the white arm hanging out the conductor’s window). It looked so realistic that the townspeople who had come to watch screamed in horror. The looks of shock on the faces of the Union officers in the film were also real because the actors who played them were not told what was going to happen to that train. Rumor has it that a spectator even fainted.

The scene was filmed in a conifer forest near the town of Cottage Grove, Oregon. The production company left the wreckage in the river bed after the scene was filmed and the wrecked locomotive became a minor tourist attraction for nearly twenty years. The metal of the train was salvaged for scrap during World War II.

On a side note, The Denver Silent Film Festival starts next week.

Penny And The Quarters – You And Me

The song “You And Me”, featured in the new film “Blue Valentine”, is of mysterious origins. All that is known is that the archival label Numero Group (which is an absolutely brilliant label that researches, recovers, remasters and repackages obscure pop gems that are no longer distributed) discovered the rehearsal tape at an estate sale in Columbus, OH. It was labeled only as ‘Penny and the Quarters’,

Directors at Numero have played this recording to over 100 movers and shakers from the time and no one has a clue who originally sang it or where it came from.

Regardless of its unknown origins, or popularity from the movie, the song is gorgeous. I think you should give it a listen:
Penny and the Quarters – You and Me

The Catcher In The Rye (The Movie)

There have been multiple attempts to adapt J.D. Salinger’s “The Catcher In The Rye” to film. In fact J.D. Salinger turned down a long list of notables, including Goldwyn, Billy Wilder, Elia Kazan (for the stage rights), and Steven Spielberg, among others, for the rights. Despite that, in 2008, Nigel Tomm released an adaptation of J.D. Salinger’s “Catcher In The Rye”. However, the movie is not what you might expect.

This is 75 minutes and 6 seconds of pure blue screen. Nothing less and nothing more. Abstract film by Nigel Tomm demolishes the boundaries of new absurdism. In 1951, a novel ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ by J. D. Salinger was published. In 2008, a film ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ directed by Nigel Tomm was filmed. Intelligent. Eccentric and subversive. ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ by Nigel Tomm preserves and destroys, it lifts and anchors, it aids and hinders, it’s convenient and frustrating. It has two sides. The most extravagant depths of your wildest imagination are packed in 75 minutes and 6 seconds of pure blue screen. Breathtaking.

If you are interested you can watch the movie in its entirety here.

2010: My Year In Movies

I didn’t track my movie watching during 2010. The fact is I didn’t really even watch that many movies over the last year. Regards, here are the five great movies I have seen over the past 365 days:

1. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (6/10)
2. The Hangover (9/10)
3. (500) Days of Summer (5/10)
4. Inception (8/10)
5. Babies (7/10)

I have done a few posts over the past year that have to do with movies. Go explore them under the movies tag.

2001 Explained by Kubrick

The end of 2001: A Space Odyssey is confusing to say the least. I have seen the movie a number of times and never really got it. In a 1969 interview given to Joseph Gelmis, Stanley Kubrick explains what happens in the movie in its simplest terms.

You begin with an artifact left on earth four million years ago by extraterrestrial explorers who observed the behavior of the man-apes of the time and decided to influence their evolutionary progression. Then you have a second artifact buried deep on the lunar surface and programmed to signal word of man’s first baby steps into the universe — a kind of cosmic burglar alarm. And finally there’s a third artifact placed in orbit around Jupiter and waiting for the time when man has reached the outer rim of his own solar system.

When the surviving astronaut, Bowman, ultimately reaches Jupiter, this artifact sweeps him into a force field or star gate that hurls him on a journey through inner and outer space and finally transports him to another part of the galaxy, where he’s placed in a human zoo approximating a hospital terrestrial environment drawn out of his own dreams and imagination. In a timeless state, his life passes from middle age to senescence to death. He is reborn, an enhanced being, a star child, an angel, a superman, if you like, and returns to earth prepared for the next leap forward of man’s evolutionary destiny.

That is what happens on the film’s simplest level. Since an encounter with an advanced interstellar intelligence would be incomprehensible within our present earthbound frames of reference, reactions to it will have elements of philosophy and metaphysics that have nothing to do with the bare plot outline itself.

The film’s ending actually makes a bit of sense to me now. I think I’ll be watching it again soon. (via Kottke)

Film Addict

Film Addict is a website that makes it easy to show how you are The Best at watching movies. You check off all the movies you have seen from the IMDB top 250 films and can then compare it to your friends. How many of the top 250 movies have you watched? There are a fair amount of both foreign and older films on the list that I haven’t seen. I’m only 31.2% film addict.

The 25 Most Disturbing Films Of All Time

Below is Total Film’s list of the “25 Most Disturbing Films Ever” in order from least to most disturbing (links go to the Total Film page for each movie). I don’t totally agree with this list but it makes a nice comparison to the “Top 10 Most Controversial Horror Movies” list I posted last month

25) Antichrist – Von Trier, 2009
24) Blue Velvet – Lynch, 1986
23) Shivers – Cronenberg, 1975
22) Martyrs – Laugier, 2008
21) Man Bites Dog – Belvaux, 1992
20) Begotten – Merhige, 1991
19) Aftermath – Cerda, 1994
18) The Human Centipede – Six, 2010
17) A Clockwork Orange – Kubrick, 1971
16) Flower of Flesh and Blood (aka Slow Death: The Dismemberment) – Hinu, 1985
15) The Last House on the Left – Craven, 1972
14) Irreversible – Noe, 2002
13) Nekromantik – Buttgereit, 1987
12) Men Behind the Sun – Mou, 1988
11) I Spit on Your Grave (aka Day of the Woman) – Zarchi, 1978
10)Happiness – Solondz, 1998
9) Funny Games – Haneke, 1997
8 ) Visitor Q – Miike, 2001
7) Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom – Pasolini, 1975
6) Cannibal Holocaust – Deodato, 1980
5) In a Glass Cage – Villaronga, 1987
4) Eraserhead – Lynch, 1977
3) Audition – Miike, 1999
2) Threads – Jackson, 1984
1) Exorcist – Friedkin, 1973

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Wet T-Shirt Contest Water Boy

Here we are on what would be the 90th anniversary of Charles Bukowski’s birthday so I guess I’ll post one of my favorite obscure Bukowski clips. The clip is from the 1977 classic “Supervan“. In the film a lecherous Bukowski has an uncredited cameo appearance as a wet t-shirt contest judge. Bukowski is seen splashing water and groping unsuspecting (or possibly suspecting) young starlets while wearing a t-shirt that reads “Wet T-Shirt Contest Water Boy”. I have no idea how the writers/producers/directors ever roped him into this one but I’m glad they did.

Bukowski also has cameo appearances in The Killers and Barfly (which he wrote). If you’re interested in purchasing “SUpervan”, it was released just this March on DVD. And if you’re a huge fan of vans, the actual Supervan is currently for sale.

Top 10 Most Controversial Horror Movies

Bloody Disgusting runs down the top ten most controversial horror films of all time. It’s a pretty good list. I’m actually a little surprised the Blair Witch Project didn’t make the list. And I remember everybody talking about Children Of The Corn when I was a kid. I also think [REC] should replace Salo as the token foreign film (watch this one – you’ll be exhausted by the end and still not be able to sleep).

10. Antichrist (2009)
9. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
8. Peeping Tom (1960)
7. The Last House on the Left (1972)
6. I Spit on Your Grave (1978)
5. Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
4. Freaks (1932)
3. The Devils (1971)
2. The Exorcist (1973)
1. Cannibal Holocaust (1980)

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