The Simplest Weather Forecast On The Web
Umbrella Today? is the simplest weather forecast on the web.
Umbrella Today? is the simplest weather forecast on the web.
Ween is playing tonight and tomorrow night at the Fillmore. I’ve got tickets for Thursday. You may not know that Gener has a Flickr account, or that Deaner has a fishing blog. Go check them out, they’re both pretty entertaining.
Firefox 3 comes out today. It has over 15,00 new improvments and all kinds of cool new features such as one-click bookmarking and mozilla is trying to set a world record for the most downloads in one day so go pick it up now. Afterward, come back here and so you can be fully loaded.
If you’re not saying Om Nom Nom Nom out loud at the same time as looking at these pictures then you’re doing it wrong.
This interesting site allows you to anonymously share exactly how neurotic you are with the entire internet. If you are OCD I suggest not visiting this site as it will give you a lifetime worth of tics to dwell on. It didn’t take too long for me to find one that I could relate to:
All of the keys on my ring have to have the flat side facing the same direction. If I get a new key and realize I put it on wrong, I will drop whatever I’m doing at that moment no matter what, trying to get the key off and turn it around the right way.
In addition, My keys are on my ring in order of size (length).
If you have already discovered Twittervision, you have a pretty good idea of how hypnotizing it can be. Well know you can bring it down to a local level with Twittervision Denver (yes, it includes Boulder too). You can update your location simply sending a Twitter update that includes ‘L:’ followed by your location. Examples: ‘Going to the office. L:3000 6th Ave, New York’, ‘L:Rouen, France’, ‘L:Disneyland’, ‘L:Las Vegas, NV’, ‘L:EWR’, ‘L:90210’, ‘L:30.010,-90.007’. Here are some more examples of valid and invalid locations if you’re interested.
Oh yeah, you can follow me on twitter too.