
Willie Nelson Covers “The Scientist” By Coldplay

As much as I love both Chipotle and Willy Nelson, I have to agree with Popdose when they say:

It’s admittedly something of an indictment of the way today’s music industry operates that this song came about because Chipotle commissioned a two-minute stop-motion short film about the evils of industrial farming, but leaving that aside for the moment, this is surprisingly wonderful. In fact, we wouldn’t mind hearing Willie do an entire album of Coldplay covers that strip back the antiseptic bombast of the originals and leave only their plaintive melancholy.

Indeed it is surprisingly wonderful. And in my opinion, one of only a handful of cover songs that is actually better than the original. Give it a listen, then go buy it (it goes to charity). You can also watch the ad that the song was made for.

(via The Denver Egotist)

The 20 Most Expensive Keyword Categories In Google AdWords

A company called Wordstream has done some research to discover which keyword categories fetch the highest costs per click (CPC) in Google’s AdWords solution.
According to Wordstream these are the top twenty keywords that demand the highest costs per click:

1. Insurance (example keyword: “auto insurance price quotes”)
2. Loans (example keyword: “consolidate graduate student loans”)
3. Mortgage (example keyword: “refinanced second mortgages”)
4. Attorney (example keyword: “personal injury attorney”)
5. Credit (example keyword: “home equity line of credit”)
6. Lawyer
7. Donate
8. Degree
9. Hosting
10. Claim
11. Conference Call
12. Trading
13. Software
14. Recovery
15. Transfer
16. Gas/Electricity
17. Classes
18. Rehab
19. Treatment
20. Cord Blood

According to Wordstream the words ‘insurance’ and ‘gas/electricity’ can net Google up to almost $55 per click while the words ‘claim’ and ‘loan’ can bring in $45.

The word The list of most expensive keyword categories is clearly a result from people who, en masse, turn to the Web in search for help, whether it’s for financial, educational, professional services or medical aid. WordStream concludes that the keyword categories with the highest volumes and costs represent industries with very high lifetime customer value: in other words, companies that can afford to pay a lot to acquire a new customer because of the nature of their business.

Billy Mays Is A Sad Robot – Part II

I’ve said it before but I think this really proves it. Billy Mays really is a sad robot. The video below was created by John Boswell, the same guy who puts together all of those great Symphony Of Science Videos that have been going around the internet lately.

[flashvideo file=/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/BillyMaysInfomercialBallad.flv height=390 width=500 /]

If you really fell in love with this, feel free to download the track here: Billy Mays-The Auto Tune Infomercial Ballad

Billy Mays Is A Sad Robot

[flashvideo file=/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/billymaysrobot.flv height=350 width=500 /]

There is something about this Kaboom commercial that is filtered through auto-tune that I really enjoy. It was created by CastOutTheSelf, and although it may not be quite as funny as Jabo0ody’s dubs, I like it better.

This Kaboom commercial is apparently run at 140 BPM. I wonder if there have been and studies done to determine the perfect beats per minute for shysters to use for there sing-song pitches? Does the lyrical styling of Billy May’s script help us tune into the commercial?

State Of Commercialization

I just got that excited/bummed out feeling you get when you see one of your bands on a major corporate TV commercial. I just saw an AT&T ad featuring Mates Of State. The ad features the beautiful song For The Actor. When my emotions boil down, I really am happy for their exposure though. Now Mates Of State have done ads before, but it didn’t faze me the same way because it seemed like it was for a good cause and because Jason and Kori were naked (sfw) in it. Anyway, listen to and download Mates Of State’s wonderful cover of Phantom Planet’s California while your here.

Update: Youtube has the commercial up at this link