
Feeding Your Family On $45 Per Week

Weather because of an emergency or plain old penny pinching, sometimes it’s necessary to scrimp and save. Here is a menu for feeding your family on $45 per week. Forty-five dollars will seem outrageously abundant to some, while it will seem miniscule to others. It is the smallest amount they were able to come up with that will provide enough supplies to an empty kitchen to feed an entire family for a week. The servings are ample and a few adjustments allow you to increase the quantities from 4 servings to 6. Newly added nutritional information makes it clear that except for sodium, these recipes are “nutritious” and “healthy”.

This site has Bulgarian Properties For Sale. I’ve featured islands for sale. I’ve featured castles for sale. But not Bulgarian properties. All of the homes in this link are being sold for less than $10,000US.

20 Lessons To Kick Start Your Cooking Skills – Lesson number 20 is a test so be sure you’re paying close attention

Just in time for the 4th are11 Tips for Sparkling Fireworks Photos. Firecracker photography may seem difficult, but follow some simple rules and you’re virtually guaranteed good results.

As an added bonus here is How to Photograph Fireworks. If the above link wasn’t enough for you, here is an additional article taking pictures of exploding gunpwder.

Deception Island (62°57’S, 60°38’W) is one of the most incredible islands on the planet. It is an active volcano in the South Shetland Islands, off the Antarctic Peninsula. Its unique landscape comprises barren volcanic slopes, steaming beaches and ash.

The Bacon Alarmclock: Last night I was watching the office and the boss on the show burt his foot making bacon in bed. Being the bacon lover I am, I though, “Wow. Wouldn’t that be nice? Bacon in bed? Yummm.” Well, this guy went ahead and made my dream a reality.


Benjamen Walker’s Theory Of Everything: I haven’t really gotten into this whole podcasting thing yet but this looks like it could be a good one.

Not your ordinary Mashup! This Beatles Mash-up Medley mix is made up by appx 40 Beatles songs, with sometimes five different songs playing at the same time. A must hear.

Transformational geometry and interation in cornrow hairstyles.

DVD Light Display: Turn your T.V. into a futuristic light display. Play this dvd and watch as 8 recorded colors are “played”. Use your T.V. as a cool new lighting element or lamp at your next party. It way too expensive, but a great idea.


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