
Hot Pants?

Plastic Pants

Retailer TopShop is selling clear, plastic, jeans for a meager $100. I would argue that they are really selling clear, plastic, capri pants but whatever. TopShop says,

Think outside the box with these out-of-the-ordinary clear plastic jeans – guaranteed to get people talking. In a straight leg cut, they feature classic pockets detailing and are cropped at the ankle bone. Ideal as a statement piece for a festival or costume party, take the look to the extreme with a bikini and sequin jacket or dress down, layered under an oversized jumper or asymmetric hem dress.

If these are your style have a look at TopShop’s pink, vinyl, jamie jeans.

via Boing Boing

Noteworthy Tumblr #7: Matchbook

I Am Forbidden by Anouk Markovits
All images courtesy of Matchbook

Matchbook is two things I love rolled up in a single package – hot women in bikinis and books. Matchbook, created by Kate Imbach, cleverly matches bathing suits with their similar-looking book cover counterparts. Each match is made by hand (no algorithm) and results in a bunch of fun pairings. The above image matches I Am Forbidden by Anouk Markovits with a bathing suit by ModCloth.

Moist Panties

A compendium to Wet Panties. Originally titled “A New Dynamic Clothing Model. Part 2: Parameters Of The Underclothing Microclimate”

Based on a new modeling, described in the first part of this paper, which takes into account the pumping effect under garments, the various parameters characterising the confined air, and managing its dry and latent losses, are determined. The mean temperature, calculated from heat exchanges with skin (or underwear) and with the garment, progresses exponentially as a function of the trapped time, until a limit. The mean humidity amount, determined from the energy of total evaporation, from the air layer renewal rate and from the water vapour diffusion through the fabric, increases linearly. Using a movable thermal manikin, walking at various speeds, and with a combined effect with wind, the intrinsic air speed and convection coefficient are defined. The intrinsic air speed combines the effects of external air and body motions. The intrinsic convection coefficient is a linear function of the square root of the inner air speed.


Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia clothing, once said, “The most responsible way for a consumer and a good citizen to buy clothes is to buy used.” So in walks Teecycle. Teecycle sells (slightly) used vintage t-shirts for dirt cheap. Each Teecycle shirt is hand-selected from rummage sales, thrift stores or donated by friends.

I bought this t-shirt from them as a gift for my Dad and he loves it (he went to UND). By buying t-shirts from Teecycle you’re not only reducing, reusing, and recycling, you are also helping Milwalkee’s (Teecycle’s home state) Rivers. For every t-shirt sold, Teecycle donates a $1 (often almost 15% of the purchase price) to the River Revitalization Foundation. Anyways, I have exchanged a few email with Tim, the companies owner, and he’s a great guy – go but t-shirts from him.

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