
B Flat

Play any of these together, some or all. Start them at any time, in any order. Mix them with the individual volume sliders. Then sit back and get washed over by the B flat ambiance.

This all taken from a collaborative music and spoken word project called Bp 2.0 conceived by Darren Solomon from Science for Girls.

Quimby The Mouse

A couple of weeks ago (April 23rd) my girlfriend and I went to see the live broadcast of This American Life at the United Artists Denver Pavilions. I’m a huge fan of This American Life but this show was a failure. Mostly the theater was a failure.

First off tickets prices were $20. Way too steep for anything on a movie screen. Technical difficulties abound and the entire audience missed the entire first segment of the show. Since it was a live telecast there was nothing the theater could do. Every paying customer was given a free movie voucher at the end of the show, but with a value of about $7 this was only a third of the actual ticket price paid.

What we did see was great though. And if you missed it you can download the episode online or go see the encore event on May 7th. Unfortunately I would recommend against spending your hard earned dough in this way, donate it to your local public radio instead.

One of the highlights of the live episode was this video called “Quimby The Mouse” put together by Chris Ware (with music by Andrew Bird, Animation by John Kuramoto).

Chris Ware just makes you want to kill yourself. The more you hurt from his art the better he feels – and that’s what I like about him.

Opening Day

Opening Day

Today is the Colorado Rockies opening day so yesterday my dad and I took a tour of Coors Field. If you’re a fan of baseball, and in particular a fan of the Rockies, I highly recommend the tour. It’s a really interesting and insightful. It lasts about 90 minutes and you get to see the entire ball field from top down and the guides are full of unusual facts and little known tid-bits about the Rockies home field.

Below is the purple stripe leading down Blake Street to Coors Field marking the way for the opening day parade.

Opening Day Racing Stripe

More pictures below.

The Food At Casa Bonita

You’re right, nobody goes to Casa Bonita for the food. But because buying a meal is mandatory for entrance, nobody goes to Casa Bonita without the food. Long heralded as the worst Mexican food in Denver, the dinners and lunches at Casa Bonita have become a legend in themselves. Below is a picture of the combination meal that I ordered a couple of weeks ago. Does it really look all that bad? Rest assured it tasted nearly exactly like it looks. Horrible.

Is It Really That Bad? The food at Casa Bonita

Other photos from my trip to Casa Bonita can be found in this flickr set.

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JoJo’s Mardi Gras Band

JoJo's Mardi Gras Band

Last weekend I went to see JoJo’s Mardi Gras Band at Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom. JoJo is the keyboardist for Widespread Panic, but his side project is nothing like his main band – Jojo’s Mardi Gras Band plays nothing but fast moving Mardi Gras music that keeps you but shaking the entire time. They have that quintessential sound of New Orleans. I suggest the next time your in town you go check them out. JoJo’s MGB doesn’t have any recorded music but you can purchase a live album of their 2007 Denver performance. Somebody at the show on Saturday had a mic set up, so I’m sure there is a copy of it out there somewhere. Taper, if your reading this, I’d love a copy. As an added extra bonus to the evening I visited my secret bar.

Josh’s Art Opening

Josh's Scuplture
Last week I went to my friend Josh’s art opening. He was showing lots of new stuff that followed a similar vein as his last showing, but using some new mediums including willow and steal, and taking a more architectural bent. I recommend you go check it out if you have a chance. The showing is currently held at the Icelantic Gallery. If you haven’t yet heard of Icelantic, they’re a local Denver company making some really cool, short production, skis. All their models have some incredible graphics (by Travis Parr), and from what I understand, a pretty sweet ride.

Artifacting Tumblr’s Mixtube Mix

So I haven’t convinced you to visit my Tumbler blog yet? Well I’ve created a mixtube mix (mixtube is like muxtape + youtube – videos) which contains the soundtracks to all the musically related videos I’ve posted to date. Songs range from the surreal – “Big Beefy Balls” by Rachael Ray – to the sublime – “Tainted Love” by The Re-entrants. Go have a listen.

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