
Live Girl Show

Before Santa Fe had it’s recent little clean-up near the Hampden exit there was a place called the Adult Palace. The Adult Palace had been around since I was a young child. For as long as I can remember really. It was in a windowless, non-descript, squat, gray building with parking in the rear. On the front of the building was a large white sign that read in large, red, script, “ADULT PALACE – LIVE GIRL SHOW”.

photo courtesy of ewy.

Whenever the family drove past – whether it be on our way to our uncles, or perhaps to a movie at Cinderella City – somebody would make a comment about the “Live Girl” that worked their. We would all chuckle at the fact the Adult Palace bragged about the fact it contained a live girl. We were all relieved that the girl was alive, but shouldn’t she be nude, or at least topless? And why only one girl? We would all laugh a little laugh, and shake our heads. I’m sure my Father and Brother’s minds, much like mine, turned to what sort of naughtiness must be happening inside with the live girl. Mom mostly just crossed hers arms and looked straight ahead.

For years and years and years I would drive by the adult palace and say to myself, “Someday I’m just gonna pull over a see what’s going on in there”. Unfortunately I never did. And as of this summer, The Adult Palace on South Santa Fe is now gone. It’s now a Super Target. But the wonderful (and incredibly hilarious) Ewy has captured the essence of this building and its live girl, “Crystal Rayne,” in his photo essay. Go check out his blog while you’re at it.


The free corporate tickets my company gave me to last nights Rockies game are on the third tier. From up there we could see me girlfriends’ firms tickets – front row directly behind the cameras next to the visitors dug out. We also saw that one of the guys she works with had two empty seats next to him. A couple of text messages later and we were right there practically on the diamond. You couldn’t get any closer to the game.

As I was scarfing down a bowl full of deluxe nachos and a beer, an usher brought a group of six young boys, all decked out in there little league uniforms, up to the cameras right next to us. He set the boys up in a staggered line with the smallest kids in front. On the ushers cue, one of the cameras stopped filming the game and swung around to face the boys. The kids went crazy cheering and pumping there fists. And then I noticed they were on the jumbotron.

Now was my chance!

I leaned way over in front of a kid. Never taking my eyes off the jumbotron I put a big smile on my face and popped a deluxe nacho dripping with cheese, chili, and jalapeno into my mouth. I did it! I finally made it onto the jumbotron at a major sporting event. Eating nachos for the world. An then the camera immediately turned off. I wasn’t on the screen for even a second. And to be honest there is some dispute as to whether my face made it onto the screen or if it was just my elbow. But I swear me and my nachos were on there for a-half-a-second.

The Rockies may have lost but I got to put another check mark on my bucket list. Next time I’m bringing my camera.

I Found This In My Draft Posts And Figured It Was Worth Publishing: Originally Titled “The Weather Outside Is Frightful”

A few things that have recently brought me the Christmas Spirit:

  • Snow!
  • Hanukkah last week
  • Decorating pops tree last night
  • The hanging of the festive lights
  • Lasagna party
  • Two Birthday parties
  • Family
  • Cookies
  • Champagne
  • House warming party
  • Brunches
  • Freezing cold bathroom floors
  • The mini tree
  • Friends
  • Dinner parties
  • Hot toddies
  • Fires in the fireplace
  • Scroll to Top