
Bacon Flavored Water

Molli’s Choice non-carbonated water is pure, free of fluoride and chlorine, are fortified with vitamin and nutrients, and are specially formulated to promote healthy teeth, bones, eyes and heart. To top it all off, the water is FLAVORED LIKE BACON. The catch, it’s made for your dog. Don’t fear however it’s safe for human consumption. See our email exchange after the jump. I know what I’m buying next time I’m at PetSmart.

Threatening Weiners

I love this hotdog homeland security threat level system. We are currently at threat level Chicago dog with the works.

    Severe Risk – Fried, Bacon-Wrapped Tijuana Danger Dog Topped With Jalapenos, Onions and Mayo
    General Risk – Microwaved Oscar Meyer Wieners on White Bread Roll with Ketchup
    Low Risk – Steamed Tofu Pup on Sprouted Wheat Roll
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