If you don’t know what Foursquare is, go read this post, sign-up at Foursquare and start checking into places.
Recently, certain venues on Foursquare started offering free stuff (drinks, appetizers, etc.) to their mayors. For example, just last week Parallel 17 started offering a free drink to it’s mayor. So, if you are Kat O. (whose twitter stream seems to consist almost entirely of foursquare entries), the current mayor of Parrallel 17, go help yourself to a free glass of wine.
There are a bunch other places in Colorado that currently offer “incentives” to foursquare participants. For instance CeFiore offers one free organic tea to the mayor, Tee & Cakes offers a free cupcake for the mayor and Modmarket gives away a free flatbread pizza for every 10th checkin on Foursquare. And Foursquare is signing up partnerships with other venues all the time.
To help take advantage of the freebies, I wrote a script that keeps track of all the new partnerships that Foursquare signs up in the Colorado area. Below you will find a list of the most recent places you can get specials from Foursquare. This list is automatically updated as soon as foursquare announces them, so check back often. Or you can subscribe to my feed (using the button below) to recieve immediate notification of all the specials in Denver, Boulder and Fort Collins as they are announced.
items, 0, $maxitems);
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