
A Different Kind Of Nightlife

I had a couple of weird dreams last night. The first one involved me driving a car along a road that was so steep that it became inverted. It ended up tipping my car right over, where it dumped into outer space (apparently gravity works until you’re upside down in my dreams). In the other one, I purposefully, pealed one of my fingernails off painlessly (very similar tho the loosing teeth dream I’ve had a couple of times before). Anybody care to try to interpret these?

Ditch Days

Just got back from another baseball game this afternoon. I love getting the afternoon off of work (paid) to go eat hot dogs and drink beer. No really, I loooove it. The tickets were free, given to me by the boss, so I grabbed my assistant and we had a ditch day. A cold, wet, ditch day. The weatherman on the jumbotron said it was 42 degrees. And I rained nearly the entire game (in fact it snowed last night, I can’t believe its mid-May and it still snowed! see those clouds on the horizon in the picture below?). But a ditch day is a ditch day, no matter the weather. Oh, and incase you’re wondering, the Rockies won this time.

Seasons In The Abyss

  • I’ve been having serious computer problems at work for the last six months or so. This has seriously hampered my work efficiency. The main computer dudes are coming in to wipe out my entire hard drive. Tonight, after accidentally erasing an entire folder of personal crap, I’m trying to burn seven years worth non-work related junk off my hard drive so I don’t lose it all. Even more purging than before.
  • Ray wants me to go to Bali with her and her massage therapist friends for a weeklong surfing lesson. Am I crazy for not really wanting to go?
  • From my free table the other night I got a kickass Peavey amplifier with a 12 inch speaker and enough bells and whistles to make my acoustic sound like Slayer (too bad I can’t play like Jeff Hanneman). Well, close anyway. The neighbors are gonna be pissed.

Winter Weekends

Friday I worked a little late into the evening and spent a quiet evening at home. I watched How To Lose a Guy In Ten Days. It was cute, laughable, fodder to wind down my week. I can appreciate an occasional fun chick flick despite how generally contrived and predictable it was.

I was up (relatively) early on Saturday and headed up into the mountains for a day of skiing. I met up with A.P. and his wife and the two kids. We all ate an early lunch together and then went out to the carpet lift to play with the kids and teach them how to ski. The boy popped out before he even got his skis on but the girls were gung ho and couldn’t get enough. It was great getting a four-year old and a six-year old interested in the sport. Both me and A.P. agreed the whole secret to getting the youngsters started is just making sure they stay warm and are having fun. Most of the skills and athletics come later. At first you just have make sure they want to come back. Afterward me and A.P. went to take some turns on our own. We got about four additional hours skiing the ‘S’ lift at Copper Mountain. Traditionally, one of our favorite areas. It snowed most of the afternoon and this made for some good skiing but it also made traffic a bear. It took me two hours to get up to the mountain in the morning and three hours to get back. It was a long day.

I spent most of Sunday running errands, grocery shopping, watching TV, and reading. I was a pleasant weekend for a change.

Lifting Heavy Loads

Yesterday the IT person here at work deleted the entire list of my personal contacts from my computer. They weren’t on the network so they were irretrievable. Gone for good. Dooced. Six years of collected phone numbers and addresses: distant family, old girlfriends, close friends who have moved away, christmas card crap, long forgotten email addresses, everything. No more. Funny thing is, I’m really not too pissed about it. Something inside me says I should be mad, but I’m not. I guess I feel like if it was someone I haven’t talked to in years, well then, it’s probably not that important to talk to them again. Or is it? Some of the more essential info, important people, I have in other places. And somehow, for reasons that don’t have a logic behind them, I feel like I’m getting a little bit of a clean slate. Just a little. Maybe it’s just one broad swipe with a big, spongy, eraser on this messy chalkboard of mine. But in some way it actually feels good. To some extent it’s relieving, Somewhere a load has been lifted.

Wonder Twin Powers: Activate!

I watched both part one and part two of the X-men movies over the past week. I don’t know. I was never really into comic books and superheroes and crap. These kinds of things never really held my interest too much. I had a couple of friends in elementary school that would collect and trade comic books. They would keep hundreds of them wrapped in plastic; stored in a cardboard box on the top shelf of their closet. Occasionally we would finger through them if we were bored with ping-pong, or catching crawdads out in the ditch, but I never read them. My brother had a handful of 3D ones that were pretty fun mostly for their novelty value. But also because all the women drawn in them were exceedingly busty and curvy, and were wearing skin-tight, metallic, underwear that would supposedly protect them from attack tigers and wizard spells. For some reason I never really bought into the whole “Hall Of Justice” thing. But give me a pillowcase full of Legos and I’ll waste five straight hours building a space base. Anyway, the movies were a pretty entertaining way to waste five hours too(no space base included).

Warm Embrace

Christmas lights are strung on the moulding. They are plain white and don’t flash. I have a fake plastic tree in the corner. But I have seven or eight real plants in other corners. One of these plants, on the window sill, is dead. But I haven’t gotten rid of it yet. I have a porcelain green monkey holding a turnip. I have a cluttered desk. I have to dust. I have some sort of strange instrument that can’t be played. I don’t think. I have overdue bills my heart can’t pay. I have a corner-shelf filled with colored glass. None of it is useful. I have a wood and wrought iron coffee table. And matching end stand. Both haven’t been taken from me yet. Though they should be. I have a box full of blankets. And a box full of magazines. Another full of photographs. I have a suitcase record player. A coffee cup stolen from an all-night restaurant. I have tropical temperatures on the coldest of days. I have the perfect lamp for a 25-watt bulb. A dripless candle that smells ok. And I could use more light. I have a taken down the drapes. Because I like to look outside. An acoustic guitar on a stand. I’ve got only 2 photographs on the walls. But I don’t want more. This room has a lifetime full of memories. A ratty sofa that nobody really enjoys. Often open windows. Sometimes there’s a phone call from far away. “So what did you do today?” There are always shoes on the floor to trip over. Pools of my life gather in nearly every available depression. I have games. But I don’t play them often. Maybe I’ll open a jigsaw. I have a warm embrace. My ceiling has few right angles. And a fan. Which makes it nice to stare at.

Flowers For Algerhubs

Today was great. When I came into the office this morning the receptionist called me up and told me I had a FedEx waiting up front. I told her, “Cool thanks. I’ll be up there in a bit,” thinking that the proof for a report I had sent to the printers had arrived. After an hour or so the receptionist called back and said that I had better come get the package because it may be urgent.

Well it was, because waiting up front for me was a box full of Winter Lillys. From out of nowhere. For no reason. And it totally made my week. They’re wonderful and they’re sitting in a big glass vase on my desk right now just itching to pop into bloom. I’ve never been sent flowers to the office before. It creates quite a commotion. Lots of people are asking questions I’m not used to answering. Words like “jealous” and “admirer” and phrases like “who is she?” and “you must have done something right” have been making me blush and stumble around all day. I love it. Thanks.

There’s Nothing To See Here, Move Right Along

It seems like all I’ve been doing lately is working and waiting. I’m not sure if I’m not leaving myself much time for anything else or if maybe I just don’t care for it. Maybe that’s just the way I’ve subconsciously decided to take care of my business. I haven’t been bored lately, in fact, I currently have too many demands. Well, I take that back, just enough demands. And the people making the demands are being awfully conscious of them and giving me plenty of room. Now if they could just give me more time. Heavy work deadlines are looming as the end of the year draws closer. Family is making the typical holiday demands. And friends are making callings to my social-self. I haven’t been proactive on many fronts. But then again, I have taking some bigger leaps on others.

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