
Sweet Goodness

I’m still feeling sick. Now I’m starting to get congested but the fever has passed. The mornings are tough, but after I’ve been up for a while I start to feel better. Somebody in our office has recently acquired an account with Otis Spunkmeyer. With the account Otis provided us with an industrial sized cookie baker and a freezer (literally the entire freezer is full) of cookie dough. Now every afternoon the whole office smells like a chocolate chip cookie factory.

But I can’t keep away from the uncooked dough.

I’m not normally a huge fan of sweets. I hate cake, not a big fan of chocolate (I hate that flemmy film that [particularly cheap] chocolate leaves in my throat), will only eat hard candy on rare occasions. I have a pantry full of Whoppers, candy corns, and Oreos. And it will probably stay that way because I won’t eat them. But there are certain things that make my mouth water. I really enjoy ice cream, coke, whipped cream (from the aerosol canister), orange juice concentrate, mousse, and cookie dough.

I’ve come in every morning for the last two weeks and have eaten a chunk of cookie dough the size of two ping-pong balls. And then, sometimes, I have another chunk in the afternoon. This couldn’t be good for me, but I so seldom indulge in sugary sweet goodness that it feels justified. And it tastes ooooohhhhh-so-gooood!

And The Winner Is….

After a very prolonged and heart-pounding week, the suspense is finally over. The much awaited results for the very ballyhooed cholesterol contest have finally arrived.

Before we get to the results, I would like to make a few thank-yous. First to my doctor, without whom the blood-work would never have been processed. I would also like to thank all the doctors who were involved in the process of discovering cholesterol and thus providing us with one more thing to worry about (not to mention discovering one more thing that can kill us). I can’t forget to thank my parents for providing me with the blood, and eggs for providing me with the cholesterol. Oh yeah, I’d also like to thank Jesus because somehow it seems necessary.

The contestants and their respective guesses follow:

  • Dave : 110
  • Laura : 250
  • Chevy : 125

    The processing of the entries was long and arduous but a definite winner was established. Thanks to everyone who participated. This contest was a raging success and the winner will be thusly awarded. So without further ado, here are the results:

  • Cholesterol Contest

    I used to think my old doctor was the greatest. Well she still is, as far as I know. However, she won’t be my doctor anymore. But that is only because she quit internal medicine and is now working with the elderly. So after she quit, I was reassigned a new doctor. And this is one of the major downfalls that I have run into with HMOs. They just assign you somebody. You have no idea who they are, and that can be a little scary when this is a person you are going to be discussing some very intimate details of your life and body with. And I really liked my old doctor. She took her time, explained things, even if they weren’t important. She thought of good questions and was always willing to answer mine. I even recommended her to a couple of friends who also found her to be a wonderful doctor.

    But today I went to go see my new “assigned” doctor for my yearly check up. And I have to say, he was great. He never rushed. He answered all my stupid questions (why do you guys always check my involuntary reflexes by tapping my knee with that rubber mallet? I mean if I can move voluntarily why check them?) And asked a lot of questions himself. So, I think I may have lucked out.

    Competitive Recreation

    Two weekends ago I went golfing at Overland. Score: 60
    Yesterday I went golfing with AP at City Park. Score: 62
    I’ve got some work in front of me if I’m going reach my goal of scoring under 100 on 18 holes (yes those scores above are for only 9 holes). We won at ultimate again on Monday. I had one goal and two assists. We remain undefeated with two games left in the season. I also signed up for summer league. Looks like a good summer for outdoor competitive recreation.

    Of Montreal

    I went to see Of Montreal (one of their better songs can be found here) last night. I had to coax myself out though. It was raining like crazy and I knew I wouldn’t be home till sometime after midnight (my head ended up hitting the pillow at 1:20. ugg) and I was just feeling generally lazy. But I went and it was worth it.

    The show was held at the Larimer Lounge. This is the first time I’ve been there and it was hardly a lounge, more of an ordinary dingy bar – in somebody’s basement. Something akin to the 15th Street Tavern. The stage was a smallish platform backed by black sheets nailed to the wall. It’s small and smoky and intimate and I can’t decide if I liked it or not. However the lounge does have a great schedule including Essex Green, Dressy Bessy (they were in the crowd last night) and Mates Of State in the next couple of months.

    Sweet Sushi Sleep

    I went up to Boulder last night. I hadn’t been there in close to a year. And boy was it worth the drive. I met Katy and a couple of her business clients at Japango for dinner. All you can eat dinner. All you can eat sushi dinner! All you can eat sushi dinner for $27!! And two-for-one drinks ’til 6 o’clock. We sat there for three-and-a-half hours and gorged ourselves. We must have ordered a couple of hundred dollars worth of sushi. My god what a feast. It actually physically hurt to walk out of the restaurant. There was a downside though.

    Pork Chop

    Last night was my first ultimate game of the season. We had a game last Monday but I wussed out cause it was snowing. We won. Our team name is Chachi.

    I like to try to score at least one point a game. It doesn’t always happen but it’s a good goal and I achieved it last night. Our team was better than the opponent, but I think we all had a lot of fun.

    One of the kind of quirky things about ultimate is that after the game is over, and everyone has told everyone else “good game” and slapped their hand, you say a little cheer or rhyme for the other team about how well they played or something funny that happened during the game. Usually, you try to work their team name into the rhyme. For example, last night our cheer was:

    Home 5

    1. How many houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life?
    A quick count says that I have lived in at least 6 houses, 4 apartments (including the one I live in now), and 1 dorm.

    2. Which was your favorite and why?
    For a year, right after college, I lived in a 100-year-old mansion in the Capital Hill neighborhood. It was huge. It had a large yard, remodeled kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, pool table, porch, deck, five bedrooms, three bathrooms, four fireplaces, and all the original built in bookshelves, cabinets and mantles. I know for a fact that unless I win the lottery I’ll never live in a place that nice again.

    3. Do you find moving house more exciting or stressful? Why?
    Stressful, because it is just a lot of work. Once I’m all moved then I get excited.

    4. What’s more important, location or price?
    Location. Price is dependent on location.

    5. What features does your dream house have?
    A warm place to sleep. Oh yeah, and a swimming pool.

    Spirit Of The Game

    Spring has sprung. I signed up for ultimate again this season. I decided to try out a different league though. The league I was using before was fun but games were on Sunday morning and this tended to destroy entire weekends. Monday nights should be much better. Hopefully, this new league will work out. I know I have a fun team.

    Ultimate is a great sport to play strictly because of the attitude of the sport and its players. It’s highly competitive and great exercise. There are no referees, the entire game is played on by an honor system with the spirit of the game being the one main rule. After the games are done a tailgating atmosphere develops. Usually, a couple of kegs are brought to the fields and everybody sits around watching the last games, sipping beer and getting to know each other. It’s tons of fun and a good chance to spend time outdoors with new friends. I’ve met a lot of great people playing ultimate over the past four years and I look forward to another great season. I post more on how our team does as the season develops.

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