
2,800 Tumblr Images

You may not know that I have a tumblr blog. It’s filled with images strike some sort of emotional chord with me. Some are beautiful, some are frightening, some are NSFW, some are nostalgic, some are funny and some are gross. Right now it’s a collection on over 2,800 images and it grows everyday. The video above is a compilation of many of the images found there. If you’d like, you can follow me on tumblr. If you already follow me I’d appreciate it if you recommended me.

The video was created using the new pummelvision service.

Finding Your Best Photos Of The Year On Flickr

It is getting close to that time of year when we try to determine what we did best during the year. For some of us that includes determining the best photos that we took over the year. If you have uploaded all of your photos to Flickr this is a real easy way to do this.

The Short Version
Click Here to get your best Flickr photos of 2010

The Long Version
The above links search through all photos (empty query q=), in text mode (m=text). It uses Flickr’s “Interestingness” algorithm to determine your best photos (s=int, interestingness is indeed a bit arbitrary, but then again so is the word ‘best’), between the dates of 2010/01/01 and 2010/12/31, and limited to photos taken by “me” (w=me).

Coachella Porn

Photographer Thomas Brodahl says of the set of photos taken at Coachella back in 2007:

While waiting for Red Hot Chili Peppers to come on stage. I was standing in the photo pit shooting the crowd. Everyone was so sweaty and naked. Looked like a big orgy. Albeit not a very pleasurable one 🙂

While this set was taken way back in 2007, I’m still a little surprised that people care this hard about the Chili Peppers. Anywaste, it’s a great view of the inside (the band) looking out (at the audience).

Extended Desktop Wallpapers

These cool images by Mike Ruiz take the familiar Mac and Windows OS desktop wallpapers and extend them beyond their original frames.

A series of images with white area added to the sides and then put through Content-Aware Fill (a Photoshop CS5 tool that automatically generates content based on the existing content of the image and fills in the surrounding blank space). The resulting image is an extended view as interpreted by the software.

Default Windows XP Wall Paper, Bliss
Default Windows XP Wall Paper

The Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard wallpaper, Aurora
The Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard wallpaper, Aurora

Kaleidoscopic Microscopic Photos Of Booze

These kaleidoscopic images are micrographs of alcoholic beverages collected by Florida State University. The images are made by crystallizing the cocktail or beer or wine on a lab slide, then passing polarized light through the crystal and magnifying it over 1000 times. As the light refracts through the beverage crystals, the resulting photos have naturally magnificent colors and composition.

Black & TanYou can purchase high-resolution large-scale print of these boozy closeups at Bevshots. There are a lot more photos below as well. Just hold you mouse pointer over the picture to find out what kind of beverage it is.

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