
Faithful Friends Who Were Dear To Us, Will Be Near To Us No More

“Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” is probably my favorite Christmas song simply because of its emotional ambivalence. It resonates closely with so many of the feelings I have around the Christmas season. The lyrics open up that uneasy longing for that unattainable ideal of Christmas that so many of us want. The holidays can be hard.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
It may be your last
Next year we may all be living in the past
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Pop that champagne cork
Next year we may all be living in New York
No good times like the olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who were dear to us
Will be near to us no more
But at least we all will be together
If the Lord allows
From now on, we’ll have to muddle through somehow
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now

My emotions during the holidays weigh heavily. Christmastime brings a contemplative melancholia that I actually revel in, and there is a wistful type of comfort in accepting this. In knowing that the season is steeped in nostalgia and want for a better time and place. In accepting that my memories will grow a little dimmer with the passing of the year. In acknowledging that our world can be unraveled, changed, and built back up with little of our own control. In understanding that friends, family, or loved ones are gone from our lives – for good. I feel akin with the folks who recognize that Christmas can be complicated, emotionally irresolute, and inherently blue.

2012 SXSW Music Torrent & Radio

As per tradition, Here is a link to the 2011 SXSW Music Showcase Torrent. This year the torrent contains 771 files totaling 4.41 GB of music from bands playing at this years South By Southwest Music & Media Conference. Keep a close eye on Greg Hewgill’s website because he will most likely be putting up a second torrent with more bands in early March.

I have yet to find a service that is streaming this year’s files.

UPDATE: The second torrent has been released. It has an additional 448 files (2.8 GB)

[via jwz]

All Together Now: Every Beatles Song Played All At Once

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=false&auto_play=false&color=78b3e0″ width=”100%” height=”81″ ]

All together Now, created by DJ Ramjac, is a mash-up of every Beatles tune ever recorded. All of the songs are played together, sequenced in order of length, with the longest starting first and all 226 tunes ending together. The last two minutes are absolutely chaotic. The track is more conceptually interesting than musically enjoyable and probably something I’ll only ever listen to once but I wanted to share with you all here.

If your interested in something similar but more accessible try this Beatles Mashup Medley or the Goldberg Variations Variations

Willie Nelson Covers “The Scientist” By Coldplay

As much as I love both Chipotle and Willy Nelson, I have to agree with Popdose when they say:

It’s admittedly something of an indictment of the way today’s music industry operates that this song came about because Chipotle commissioned a two-minute stop-motion short film about the evils of industrial farming, but leaving that aside for the moment, this is surprisingly wonderful. In fact, we wouldn’t mind hearing Willie do an entire album of Coldplay covers that strip back the antiseptic bombast of the originals and leave only their plaintive melancholy.

Indeed it is surprisingly wonderful. And in my opinion, one of only a handful of cover songs that is actually better than the original. Give it a listen, then go buy it (it goes to charity). You can also watch the ad that the song was made for.

(via The Denver Egotist)

Rotten Cheese

Considered by many to be the mother of all Ween bootlegs, Rotten Cheese is a six disc compilation showcasing the finest and brownest moments of Ween’s 1994-1995 Chocolate & Cheese tour. The comp was put together by Kirk Miller, Ween’s sound mixer during the tour so all the songs are straight off he board. There are plenty of highlights here including the 26 minute long “Poopship Destroyer” recorded in Hamburg, Germany, to obscurities like “I Get A Little Taste Of You” and “Dirty Money”. But as you can see from the track lists below this only scratches the surface.

I’ll be seeding the entire set on the brown tracker for next couple of weeks if you want to download the torrent. Otherwise you can download the first five albums from the links in the set list below.


24 Hours Of American Hardcore Punk Songs

After publishing the second edition of American Hardcore: A Tribal History, Steven Blush posted 911 American hardcore punk songs to listen to while reading his book. All the songs can be found in the table below. They total over 24 hours (2.25 Gig) of classic hardcore punk music ranging from “Impatient Youth” to “Flipper” and dating from 1978 to 1986. The links in the first column allow you to download any individual song.

If you’d like, I have also created a torrent that contains a single .zip file of all the songs.

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Girl Talk – All Day

Today, Girl Talk has released his new album “All Day”. It consists entirely of musical samples from other artists’ songs, often bringing together completely different musical genres side by side in harmony. You can listen to all of the songs on “All Day” below.
01 – Oh No
02 – Let It Out
03 – That’s Right
04 – Jump On Stage
05 – This Is The Remix
06 – On And On
07 – Get It Get It
08 – Down For The Count
09 – Make Me Wanna
10 – Steady Shock
11 – Double Bottom
12 – Every Day

If you like it, you can download the entire album here. There is also a list of all the samples used in each song.

Full Double Rainbow Songs

I’m sure you have seen Hungrybear9562’s incredibly emotional and hilarious “Mountain Giant Double Rainbow” video by this point. If you haven’t, go watch it now! Trust me it’s worth the three and a half minutes of your life that it will cost.

What you might not know, is that there are a handful of musical remixes already created. Check them out below:

The Gregory Brothers of Auto-Tune the News fame have turned the new famous video into one of their clever overly autotuned songs. The ditty finishes with a vocal rendition from the band.
Double Rainbow Song

“Somewhere Over The Double Rainbow” is the best remix to date in my opinion. Created by James Urbaniak, it’s a mashup with Kermit the frog’s “Rainbow Connection”. Brilliant!
Somewhere Over The Double Rainbow

“Auto Tune The Rainbow” is a pretty horrible remix (and the only one actually trying to make a buck off this) slapped together by Mason VanValin.
Auto Tune The Rainbow

Twin Cities-based producer Gigamesh has just released a remix called “It’s So Intense.” Gigamesh pushes past the meme and turns it into a surprisingly listenable little dance jam.
It’s So Intense

The game designers over at Rockethands created Double Rainbow (All The Way). I like the 70’s rock vibe it has. It’s a lot more organic than any of the others too. Which is nice.
Double Rainbow (All The Way)

Lastly we have the youtube doubler of “Giant Double Rainbow” mashed up with porn music. It actually kinda works in a gross sort of way.

If you find Yosemitebear Mountain Giant (Paul Vasquez) intriguing, you might want to check out the short history and interview with him over at Urlesque.

Andrew WK: Harm

Despite all the rumors Andrew WK is human after all. Or at least his persona is had the all-too-familiar angst/lust/confusion of a typical 17 year old. He recently published an article in the Gaurdian about obsessive feelings he had towards his girlfriend and how he ended up expressing those feelings through song. A song that ended up leading to a juvenile restraining order.

It turned out that the assistant to the head of school got a copy of my song on cassette and gave it to the girl I had a crush on. This was probably the worst thing that had ever happened in my life. She heard the song and was completely freaked out. Within three days, every kid in school had a copy. She told her friends, teachers and parents: “This guy at school is stalking me and threatening my life.” She played them the song and they called the police.

The song is actually pretty good for a crazed 17 year-old. Have a listen (The lyrics can be found below th fold) and then go read Andrew’s full account of the embarrassing event:

Andrew WK – Harm

Also, yes I’m very aware that this story is likely not true and simply part of the Andrew WK “project” (marketing machine) and is simply just a story. For that, I may actually appreciate it even more.

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