
The Top 100 Most Annoying Twitter Accounts

It’s difficult to separate the signal from the noise on twitter. Actually, it’s difficult to tell if there is any signal on twitter at all (but that’s a whole other blog post). There are literally hundreds of over-active accounts, mostly bots, that provide little to no value to your average twitter user. Here are a few of the most blatant abusers.

InternetRadio is the most often updated (with nearly 900,000 tweets), non-news related, active account. It’s a bot that simply lists songs being played on I’m not sure what use this is to anyone. Ill Street Lounge and Boot Liquor (almost 420,000 updates) do the same thing for

Father Time (over 275,000 tweets) is a bot that updates every minute, on the minute, with the time. That would be 720 times a day. How could that really help anyone? But if that’s not enough for you Is It Now… (over 550,000 tweets) does the exact same thing. At least Big Ben is entertaining.

ThinkingStiff (over 430,000 tweets) appears to be an account the owner is using to climb to the number one spot on the Cursebird leaderboard. This is actually a somewhat interesting project but is still a very annoying twitter account.

Twitterholic keeps a continually refreshed list of the 100 most updated (annoying?) accounts in twitter.

Full disclosure: my incredibly annoying twitter account can be found @hubs.

2010 SXSW Music Torrent & Radio

Here is the torrent containing all the MP3 files publicly available from bands that will be showcasing at this years South By Southwest Music & Media Conference. This torrent currently contains 646 songs at 3.35GB (but might be updated).

Links to torrents for previous years can be found on The (Unofficial) Home of SXSW Torrents website.

If you’re not interested in downloading/seeding but still want to listen to the music try this streaming SXSW 2010 Music Player

Workin’ It!

These girls are WORKIN’ IT.

I created this video last night. The music is a song called “Zukunft” by the Estonian band Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot, which I also discovered while surfing around the web last night. Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot’s newest release “Compensator For The Accelerator” is available for download for free (as in beer) on their website, which, of course, is worth an additional 100 cool points. Their cover art states:

We praise the mp3 for giving the creative mind an opportunity to unleash itself from the established hierarchies of music distribution and bypass spoonfeeding by opinion leaders.

The website also contains a .pdf download of the cover and CD art that actually folds into a sleeve that will protectively hold your newly burnt disk. Anyways, cool music, nice design, and great attitude.

The video is of Gwen Verdon (Cacoon anyone?) shaking it to a dance choreographed by her husband, the talented Bob Fosse. The original dance was choreographed to a song called “Mexican Breakfast” by Pat Williams. As you can see Gwen really knew how to move and Fosse was way ahead of his time. Seriously, did Bob Fosse invent the bootyquake? Now go rent “All That Jazz” and “Caberet”, or just watch these videos.

As a bonus, here are three additional Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot songs:
Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot – Nina Robots That Shoot Laser Beams And Stuff
Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot – The Ride Ripoff
Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot – T.A.T.U. Remix


Built To Spill doing an acoustic sidewalk set in Boulder

Purchase Built To Spill Tickets.
Drive up to Boulder for the show.
Go to will call to get tickets.
Have will call reject you by being told they don’t have your name on file.
Go back to the car to get the receipt.
Look at receipt.
Have it dawn on you that said purchased tickets are for tomorrow night.
Go back to will call to see if the will exchange the tickets.
Get rejected again because the show was sold out.
Feel humiliated.
Have Doug Martsch see that your having trouble.
Have Doug ask what the problem is.
Have Doug give door passes to everyone in your group.
Have tons of margaritas.
Watch Douge and Brett do a sidewalk set for those who couldn’t get tickets.
See a kickass show.

Thanks Boo Radley

Spilt Milk

Did you know that Frank Black broke up the Pixies via a fax? That’s fucking brilliant. I wish I broke up with my exes via a fax. Why didn’t I think of that. Oh yeah, cause I always the one getting dumped.

The Pixies show last night pretty much kicked ass. Watching a show at Magnus Arena is pretty much like watching a show in a large tin box, thus, it’s like listening to a show in a large tin box. Sound quality left something to be desired. I saw Jane’s Addiction there before and didn’t notice the sound, but it was Jane’s addiction, and it was Halloween, and it was my birthday – I probably didn’t notice much of anything. Despite being inside a giant Altoids container the sound was decent. It was loud. Just like it should be. And they Pixies put on one hell of a rocking show (or rawking is how I think the kids are spelling it these days).

They must have played for about an hour and a half and played 20+ songs. I don’t have a set list but I knew most of the songs they played. Apparently they played everything everybody wanted to hear. But Tony’s Theme. Honestly I wasn’t that familiar with the Pixies before this summer so I feel like I’ve really been invited to sit at the same table as the cool kids now. God I hope I don’t spill my milk.

KHUBS Radio And Tompaulin

I like to call them the Belle & Sebastion for the elitist. However, they would definitely frown upon me for this description. In fact, they would probably skip the frowning and go straight for a punch in the throat. I picture them screaming, “Elitist?! Bugger off you twit! We’re the working class of Manchester. Fuck you and your elitism! And you can take your B&S and shove it straight up your arse,” as they attack me. But to me that is what they are. And I like them for it. Again it’s those boy/girl vocals and empathic melancholy that have me hooked. Ultimately, they are both better than Belle & Sebastian and are a far cry from snobby, which, for better or worse, puts them in the perfect position to capture that coveted cat-eye-glassed-hello-kitty-courier-bag demographic.

Once stating, “we’ll never package together our early singles – we’ll never do it,” Jamie Holman (Male vocals) proves that despite having a good voice, his penchant for sticking to his word is not quite as golden. Tompaulin released a compilation of all they’re early singles entitled “Everything Is Beautiful And Nothing Hurt”. But it would simply be too easy to slap this album up on KHUBS Radio, so I have recreated the most of the album with the original singles in the order they were released (songs 1-8). Then I included the entire “My Life At The Movies” single, which is fairly difficult to find in these united states and not included on the compilation album (songs 9-12). And lastly I included a few of my favorites off the full-length debut album “The Town And The City” (songs 13-17). So turn up your speakers, lay in bed, stare at the ceiling, and enjoy.

It has been rumored that Tompaulin is supposed to have a new full-length album out later this year on Track & Field Records. All of the music you here on KHUBS may be difficult to purchase in the U.S., you may want to start at one of the links below.

Of Montreal

I went to see Of Montreal (one of their better songs can be found here) last night. I had to coax myself out though. It was raining like crazy and I knew I wouldn’t be home till sometime after midnight (my head ended up hitting the pillow at 1:20. ugg) and I was just feeling generally lazy. But I went and it was worth it.

The show was held at the Larimer Lounge. This is the first time I’ve been there and it was hardly a lounge, more of an ordinary dingy bar – in somebody’s basement. Something akin to the 15th Street Tavern. The stage was a smallish platform backed by black sheets nailed to the wall. It’s small and smoky and intimate and I can’t decide if I liked it or not. However the lounge does have a great schedule including Essex Green, Dressy Bessy (they were in the crowd last night) and Mates Of State in the next couple of months.

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